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My skills and abilities in detail

Another example of making the desired impression without cheating is the website of «М350» (in Russian).

  • The сopy is written the way not to break visitors' frames of what she wants and is ready for. E.g., if she tolerates only direct communication with a plant - to create that impression but without cheating that made the industry notorious.

  • Along with the design, copy creates an impression of a larger company than it is. E.g., having visited the website candidates were thinking they applied to a branch of a company while it was and is the only its office.

What else I can do well:

  • Stay calm in stressful conditions. Here is how I expressed job requirements for managers «М350» (that I initially fulfilled myself):

    • to withstand up to 60 new inquiries a day (not counting old ones) quickly switching from one to another,

    • not forgetting to say all crucial phrases without which a potential client will not become real,

    • offering side products by the way, not overloading with unnecessary,

    • putting all boorish and arrogant people in their place, not getting upset with their rudeness,

    • 8 hours every day in high season,

    • managing to find time for non-urgent but essential tasks being already fed up with,

    • persistently asking for the same thing several times, without annoying the partner and achieving results.

  • Quickly get competence and references in new industries.

    1. Example of 2018: Cryptokompromat
      What I did: a part of the analysis of the industry (performed for myself) made helpful for the general public.
      Result: Rapid references in the industry media (example of video, the website was announced  2018/07/16, the video was published 2018/08/23).

    2. Example of 2019: travel planners' research (in English).
      What I did: an analysis of market leaders (in 6 parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), to attract the attention of one of them created an application looking like a page on their website
      Result: 1. Got a response to the research from one the mentioned companies (included in the corresponding part), in a result - negotiated and conduct a project of the planner quality checkup, 2. Got an offer to conduct similar researches for an industry newsletter.

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